Polling Station
Poll 01/10/2018 – 31/10/2018
Critical limb-threatening ischemia – CLI Global Society
Patient’s characteristics
Gender: Male
Age: 79 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, hypercholesterinemia, chronic kidney disease (GFR: 53 ml/min/1,73m²), NYHA II, Coronary artery disease, previous CABG
Symptoms: Toe ulceration of the left limb
Previous operations: None
ABI: incompressible, Toe pressure: 32 mmHg
Vascular Imaging – Duplex ultrasound: Isolated tibial vessel disease
Question #1
If ABI is incompressible, which method are you using for the measurement of the foot perfusion?
- Toe pressure
- TcPO2
- The presence of gangrene or ulcer is the main criterion to go for an intervention
- Ankle systolic pressure
- Other methods
Question #2
Do you find the WIfI classification useful for your daily CLI practice?
- Yes
- No
- I am not familiar with the WIfI classification
Question #3
Does the CTOP classification influence your access strategy?
- Yes
- No
- I am not familiar with the CTOP classification
Question #4
Which is your primary endovascular treatment strategy in isolated tibial disease?
- Plain balloon angioplasty
- Plain balloon angioplasty and drug-coated balloons (DCB)
- Plain balloon angioplasty and bare metal stent deployment, if necessary
- Plain angioplasty and drug-eluting stent deployment, if necessary
- Atherectomy as vessel preparation and DCB
Question #5
Do you believe that BEST-CLI will address all relevant aspects of the best treatment strategy in CLTI patients?
- Yes
- No
Question #6
How often do you perform follow up following CLI procedures?
- Every 3 months
- Every 6 months
- Every 12 months
- Depending on the clinical course of the patient
Question #7
Do you suggest a more aggressive risk factor modification in patients with isolated tibial disease?
- Yes
- No
Question #8
Do you have a dedicated interdisciplinary team for CLI patients in your clinic?
- Yes
- No