
PiPer-bypass | IVUS-guided totally percutaneous femoral-popliteal bypass

Redo-bypass surgery is invasive and very complex, particularly in patients with multiple previous surgical revascularizations. In many cases, the best choice is to open the native superficial femoral artery (SFA). But in some patients, due to multiple previous surgical treatments, this artery is completely interrupted, without the possibility for reconstruction.

The PiPeR-bypass is an alternative technique to carry out a totally percutaneous fem-pop bypass, passing through the venous system using an IVUS-guided needle catheter (Pioneer Plus, Philips) and placing a covered stent (Viabahn, WL Gore) from the SFA to the popliteal artery.

This initial experience suggests that the IVUS-guided percutaneous bypass could be effective and eventually extended to more patients.


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