Philips Pioneer Plus IVUS guided true lumen re-entry catheter
Manufacturer Info
Why to use it
The Pioneer Plus IVUS-guided re-entry catheter is designed to identify true lumen with speed for the most challenging CTOs. With the unique offering of IVUS and a dual-wire system in one device, the Pioneer Plus catheter provides clinicians with IVUS-guided clarity to true lumen re-entry for their patients.
Click here to watch Dr Andrew Wigham and Dr Nish Altaf demonstrate the use of Pioneer Plus in peripheral vascular disease treatment.
The only IVUS-guided re-entry device
Identify the true lumen with speed and precision
*Saket R., Razavi, M., Padidar A., et al. Novel Intravasular Ultrasound-Guided Methods to Create Transintimal Arterial Communications: Initial Experience in Peripheral Occlusive Disease and Aortic Dissection. J Endovasc Ther. 2004; 11: 274-280.
Visualize success with confidence
Minimize procedural complications