Fernando Gallardo
Fernando Gallardo commented on presentation Calcium: The Achilles Heel of Endovascular Procedures?.
Mohamed Hawary commented on presentation Catheter Interventions for pulmonary embolism.
Vascupedia commented on presentation How to deal with a limb occlusion after EVAR?.
Vascupedia commented on presentation Two technical tips for severely angulated infrarenal necks during EVAR.
Vascupedia commented on presentation Two technical tips for severely angulated infrarenal necks during EVAR.
Theodosios Bisdas replied to your comment on presentation Paving and cracking technique for severely calcified SFA lesions.
Fernando Gallardo commented on presentation Paving and cracking technique for severely calcified SFA lesions.
Fernando Gallardo replied to your comment on presentation How to deal with a limb occlusion after EVAR?.
Konstantinos Stavroulakis commented on presentation Paving and cracking technique for severely calcified SFA lesions.
commented on presentation How to deal with a limb occlusion after EVAR?.
How to deal with a limb occlusion after EVAR?
This presentation deals with three important issues:
(1) What is the real incidence of limb occlusion post-EVAR?
(2) Which are the key points and risk factors behind limb occlusion?
(3) How to manage different clinical scenarios?
Efthymios (Makis) Avgerinos replied to your comment on presentation Catheter Interventions for pulmonary embolism.
Mohamed Hawary commented on presentation Catheter Interventions for pulmonary embolism.
Martin Schroeder replied to your comment on presentation 12 M Outcomes of the Veniti Vici Venous Stent System for iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis.
Efthymios (Makis) Avgerinos replied to your comment on presentation Catheter Interventions for pulmonary embolism.
Fernando Gallardo commented on presentation Catheter Interventions for pulmonary embolism.
Fernando Gallardo commented on presentation 12 M Outcomes of the Veniti Vici Venous Stent System for iliofemoral deep vein thrombosis.
Fernando Gallardo commented on presentation Two technical tips for severely angulated infrarenal necks during EVAR.
Theodosios Bisdas replied to your comment on presentation Two technical tips for severely angulated infrarenal necks during EVAR.
Efstratios Georgakarakos commented on presentation Two technical tips for severely angulated infrarenal necks during EVAR.
Theodosios Bisdas commented on presentation Two technical tips for severely angulated infrarenal necks during EVAR.
commented on presentation Two technical tips for severely angulated infrarenal necks during EVAR.
Filiform SFA stenosis – best treatment strategy
The common femoral artery (CFA) disease
Gender: Male
Age: 73 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, hypercholesterinemia, coronary artery disease, previous CABG
Symptoms: Claudication, Rutherford stage 3
Previous operations: None
ABI: 0.5
Asymptomatic carotid artery disease
Patient’s characteristics
Gender: Female
Age: 72 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, hypercholesterinemia, previous smoker
Symptoms: None
Previous operations: None
Vascular Imaging of the left internal carotid artery: Duplex ultrasound with peak systolic velocity (PSV)> 230 cm/sec
Topic: Asymptomatic juxta- and pararenal aortic aneurysms
Patient’s characteristics
Gender: Female
Age: 75 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, hypercholesterinemia, previous aortocoronary bypass grafting, previous myocardial infarction, previous smoker, peripheral arterial disease, atrial fibrillation
Symptoms: None
Previous operations: None
Aneurysm characteristics:
Max. aneurysm diameter: 54 mm
Length of proximal infrarenal neck: 0 mm
Distance between SMA and LRA: 20 mm
Diameter of renal arteries: RRA: 5,3 mm, LRA: 6 mm
Suprarenal angulation: 60°
Diameter of distal neck: 30 mm
Minimum diameter of common iliac arteries: R: 11 mm, L:9 mm
Maximum diameter of common iliac arteries: R: 11 mm, L: 14 mm
Minimum diameter of external iliac arteries: R: 7 mm, L: 6,2 mm