Ilhan Mavioglu

Firstly endovascular option for most of the vascular disease.
  • Function: Senior Consultant
  • Speciality: Cardiac Surgery
  • Country: TR
  • Working place: Irmet Hospital Cerkezkoy, Tekirdag, TR


Case report

Decision making by a complex case of iatrogenically created A-V fistula with concomitant AAA and fem-pop bypass occlusion

This is a complex case of a 74-year-old female with an acute onset of rest pain of the right limb. Previous Rx: primary stenting of both renal arteries, endovascular repair of both CIA in CERAB technique and fem-pop 1 bypass right limb.
During her current readmission, the CT-scan revealed a high-flow AV fistula of the right CFA, an abdominal aortic aneurysm (4.7 cm), an occluded stent in the right renal artery as well as an occluded fem-pop bypass. What would you do in this case?

November 29, 2018 No Comments
Show presentation
Poll 13/04/2018 – 30/06/2018

Topic: Asymptomatic juxta- and pararenal aortic aneurysms

Patient’s characteristics

Gender: Female
Age: 75 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, hypercholesterinemia, previous aortocoronary bypass grafting, previous myocardial infarction, previous smoker, peripheral arterial disease, atrial fibrillation
Symptoms: None
Previous operations: None


Aneurysm characteristics:

Max. aneurysm diameter: 54 mm

Length of proximal infrarenal neck: 0 mm

Distance between SMA and LRA: 20 mm

Diameter of renal arteries: RRA: 5,3 mm, LRA: 6 mm

Suprarenal angulation: 60°

Diameter of distal neck: 30 mm

Minimum diameter of common iliac arteries: R: 11 mm, L:9 mm

Maximum diameter of common iliac arteries: R: 11 mm, L: 14 mm

Minimum diameter of external iliac arteries: R: 7 mm, L: 6,2 mm