Kinya Matsui

  • Function: Director
  • Speciality: Vascular Surgery
  • Country: JP
  • Working place: Ogasawara memorial sapporo hospital, Sapporo , JP


Comment on Mar 15, 2022

Kinya Matsui commented on presentation AV Fistula – Basic vascular surgery skills.

»Thank you for nice presentation. The best anastomosis angle is,,,.30°,60°,90°? For good maturation(positive remodelling)of AVF,initial blood flow intra operation is important? Incision diameter of brachial artery is 6mm,8mm,10mm? in the case of high brachial artery bifurcation,bigger is better?«
Comment on Jun 30, 2020

Kinya Matsui commented on presentation Vascupedia VIEWS Episode 11 Endovascular therapy for failed distal bypass is possible and safe than re-do open surgery.

»Great talk.Thank you very much. No vein,No bypass? Good saphenous vein is ideal for bypass graft in vascular reconstruction of below knee region. Occluded prosthetic graft approach is good option for new vascular access of EVT? Heavy calcification is bad for DCB&DEB. To be or not to be,Lost of endothelial stem cells/CD157 ,,aging.that's the question,I think.«
Comment on Jun 22, 2020

Kinya Matsui commented on presentation Vascupedia VIEWS Episode 7 Calcium: what to do against the worst enemy?.

»Calcium is essential for life. calcification is end stage of arteriosclerosis. it may strengthen aneurysmal wall against pressure. Yesterday's enemy is today's friend. Today's enemy is still future's one? ectopic calcification is troublesome. We wish that we will be able to handle it in future.«
Comment on Jun 13, 2020

Kinya Matsui commented on presentation Type A dissection: The endovascular solution.

»Thank you for good presentation. If in the case of 96y Female,mild CKD,Debakey type II., spontaneous healing with medication(BP control,Tranexamic acid、、、etc.) will be expected?«
Poll 02/02/2019 – 28/02/2019

The acute limb ischemia

Patient’s characteristics

Gender: Female

Age: 65 years old

Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, Dyslipidemia

Symptoms:  Acute onset of claudication (<2 weeks), Rutherford class 3 of the left limb

Previous operations: None

ABI: 0.5

DUS: Occlusion of the left popliteal artery