Ahmad Al Halabi
Ahmad Al Halabi commented on presentation Vascupedia VIEWS Episode 6 Vein bypass grafting: tips and tricks to beat all endovascular techniques.
ahmed elmahrouky commented on presentation Vascupedia VIEWS Episode 6 Vein bypass grafting: tips and tricks to beat all endovascular techniques.
ahmed elmahrouky commented on presentation Vascupedia VIEWS Episode 6 Vein bypass grafting: tips and tricks to beat all endovascular techniques.
Ahmad Al Halabi commented on presentation Step by step thrombendarteriectomy of the common femoral artery with venous patchplasty.
Ahmad Al Halabi commented on presentation The value of peripheral arterial IVUS in decision making.
Ahmad Al Halabi commented on presentation Carotid artery endarterectomy with patchplasty: step by step procedure.
Giovanni Torsello commented on presentation Carotid artery endarterectomy with patchplasty: step by step procedure.
Efstratios Georgakarakos commented on presentation Carotid artery endarterectomy with patchplasty: step by step procedure.
Omar Jibrel commented on presentation Carotid artery endarterectomy with patchplasty: step by step procedure.
The radiation exposure
Since January 2018, employers in the U.K and Europe have had to comply with their duties under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017, IRR17. Previous to this most health trusts working with ionising radiation followed IRR99.
The main changes since the last edition (IRR99) that affect the operator:
- The dose limit for exposure to the lens of the eye has been reduced from 150 mSv to 20 mSv in a year. This is usually assessed using forehead monitoring bands.
It is the duty of the operator to control methods for restricting exposure to ionising radiation by use of distance and shielding etc.
The femoropopliteal In-Stent-Restenosis
Patient’s characteristics:
Gender: Female
Age: 79 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, Dyslipidemia,
Implantation of a bare metal stent right SFA 4 years ago, Debulking and DCB angioplasty for ISR 2 years ago
Symptoms: Calf claudication after 50 meters
DUS: SFA stent Occlusion
The Type II Endoleak
Patient’s characteristics
Gender: Male
Age: 68 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, active smoker
Underwent EVAR 2 years ago
Symptoms: None
DUS/CT A: Aneurysm sac growth > 7mm compared to last CT scan with evidence of type II Endoleak (Inferior mesenteric artery)
Ilio-femoral deep vein thrombosis
45 years old female patient presenting with painful swelling of the right limb during the last 24 hours. Wells score on admission was 4 points. The duplex ultrasound scanning revealed a femoropopliteal and iliac deep vein thrombosis. No other risk factors were present. No previous operations. No thrombophilia documented.
The radiation exposure
Since January 2018, employers in the U.K and Europe have had to comply with their duties under the Ionising Radiations Regulations 2017, IRR17. Previous to this most health trusts working with ionising radiation followed IRR99.
The main changes since the last edition (IRR99) that affect the operator:
- The dose limit for exposure to the lens of the eye has been reduced from 150 mSv to 20 mSv in a year. This is usually assessed using forehead monitoring bands.
It is the duty of the operator to control methods for restricting exposure to ionising radiation by use of distance and shielding etc.
The AV access salvage procedure
Gender: Male
Age: 75 years old
Comorbidity: End-Stage Renal Disease, Diabetes, Arterial hypertension, Dyslipidemia, on hemodialysis in the last 5 years
Symptoms: Acute occlusion of a surgically created left-sided brachial cephalic AV fistula
The AV access salvage procedure
Gender: Male
Age: 75 years old
Comorbidity: End-Stage Renal Disease, Diabetes, Arterial hypertension, Dyslipidemia, on hemodialysis in the last 5 years
Symptoms: Acute occlusion of a surgically created left-sided brachial cephalic AV fistula
The common femoral artery (CFA) disease
Gender: Male
Age: 73 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, hypercholesterinemia, coronary artery disease, previous CABG
Symptoms: Claudication, Rutherford stage 3
Previous operations: None
ABI: 0.5
Chronic deep vein thrombosis and postthrombotic syndrome
Case presentation:
41 years old female patient presenting with swelling of both limbs, diffuse aching, heaviness and tiring of both extremities since 5 years from a previous deep vein thrombosis on both limbs. At the time of presentation, the patient showed severe dermatoliposclerosis on the right extremity and ulceration at the level of the left internal malleolus. The patient had no other risk factors except Factor V Leiden mutation.
Asymptomatic carotid artery disease
Patient’s characteristics
Gender: Female
Age: 72 years old
Comorbidity: Arterial hypertension, hypercholesterinemia, previous smoker
Symptoms: None
Previous operations: None
Vascular Imaging of the left internal carotid artery: Duplex ultrasound with peak systolic velocity (PSV)> 230 cm/sec